Install from conda-forge

SageMath can be installed via Conda from the conda-forge conda channel.

This works on Linux and macOS on x86_64 processors, and on Linux on aarch64 processors (using Miniforge).

This requires a working Conda installation: either Miniforge, Miniconda or Anaconda. If you don’t have one yet, we recommend installing Miniforge.

Miniforge uses conda-forge as the default channel. If you are using Miniconda or Anaconda, set it up to use conda-forge:

  • Add the conda-forge channel: conda config --add channels conda-forge

  • Change channel priority to strict: conda config --set channel_priority strict

Optionally, use mamba which uses a faster dependency solver than \(conda\).

conda install mamba

Create a new conda environment containing SageMath, either with mamba or conda:

mamba create -n sage sage python=X
conda create -n sage sage python=X

where X is version of Python, e.g. 3.8.

To use Sage from there,

  • Enter the new environment: conda activate sage

  • Start SageMath: sage

Instructions for using Conda for SageMath development are on the Conda page of the Sage wiki.