Binary trees¶
Implements a binary tree in Cython.
Tom Boothby (2007-02-15). Initial version free for any use (public domain).
- class sage.misc.binary_tree.BinaryTree¶
A simple binary tree with integer keys.
- contains(key)¶
Returns True if a node with the given key exists in the tree, and False otherwise.
sage: from sage.misc.binary_tree import BinaryTree sage: t = BinaryTree() sage: t.contains(1) False sage: t.insert(1,1) sage: t.contains(1) True
- delete(key)¶
Removes a the node corresponding to key, and returns the value associated with it.
sage: from sage.misc.binary_tree import BinaryTree sage: t = BinaryTree() sage: t.insert(3,3) sage: t.insert(1,1) sage: t.insert(2,2) sage: t.insert(0,0) sage: t.insert(5,5) sage: t.insert(6,6) sage: t.insert(4,4) sage: t.delete(0) 0 sage: t.delete(3) 3 sage: t.delete(5) 5 sage: t.delete(2) 2 sage: t.delete(6) 6 sage: t.delete(1) 1 sage: t.delete(0) sage: t.get_max() 4 sage: t.get_min() 4
- get(key)¶
Returns the value associated with the key given.
sage: from sage.misc.binary_tree import BinaryTree sage: t = BinaryTree() sage: t.insert(0,Matrix([[0,0],[1,1]])) sage: t.insert(0,1) sage: t.get(0) [0 0] [1 1]
- get_max()¶
Returns the value of the node with the maximal key value.
- get_min()¶
Returns the value of the node with the minimal key value.
- insert(key, value=None)¶
Inserts a key-value pair into the BinaryTree. Duplicate keys are ignored. The first parameter, key, should be an int, or coercible (one-to-one) into an int.
sage: from sage.misc.binary_tree import BinaryTree sage: t = BinaryTree() sage: t.insert(1) sage: t.insert(0) sage: t.insert(2) sage: t.insert(0,1) sage: t.get(0) 0
- is_empty()¶
Returns True if the tree has no nodes.
sage: from sage.misc.binary_tree import BinaryTree sage: t = BinaryTree() sage: t.is_empty() True sage: t.insert(0,0) sage: t.is_empty() False
- keys(order='inorder')¶
Returns the keys sorted according to “order” parameter, which can be one of “inorder”, “preorder”, or “postorder”
- pop_max()¶
Returns the value of the node with the maximal key value, and removes that node from the tree.
sage: from sage.misc.binary_tree import BinaryTree sage: t = BinaryTree() sage: t.insert(4,'e') sage: t.insert(2,'c') sage: t.insert(0,'a') sage: t.insert(1,'b') sage: t.insert(3,'d') sage: t.insert(5,'f') sage: while not t.is_empty(): ....: print(t.pop_max()) f e d c b a
- pop_min()¶
Returns the value of the node with the minimal key value, and removes that node from the tree.
sage: from sage.misc.binary_tree import BinaryTree sage: t = BinaryTree() sage: t.insert(4,'e') sage: t.insert(2,'c') sage: t.insert(0,'a') sage: t.insert(1,'b') sage: t.insert(3,'d') sage: t.insert(5,'f') sage: while not t.is_empty(): ....: print(t.pop_min()) a b c d e f
- values(order='inorder')¶
Returns the keys sorted according to “order” parameter, which can be one of “inorder”, “preorder”, or “postorder”
- class sage.misc.binary_tree.Test¶
- binary_tree(values=100, cycles=100000)¶
Performs a sequence of random operations, given random inputs to stress test the binary tree structure. This was useful during development to find memory leaks / segfaults. Cycles should be at least 100 times as large as values, or the delete, contains, and get methods won’t hit very often.
– number of possible values to usecycles
– number of operations to perform
- random()¶