Database of distance regular graphs¶
In this module we construct several distance regular graphs and group them in a function that maps intersection arrays to graphs.
For a survey on distance-regular graph see [BCN1989] or [VDKT2016].
sage: G = graphs.cocliques_HoffmannSingleton()
sage: G.is_distance_regular()
sage: H = graphs.distance_regular_graph([15, 14, 10, 3, 1, 5, 12, 15])
sage: H == G
sage: G = graphs.distance_regular_graph([27, 10, 1, 1, 10, 27])
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True)
([27, 10, 1, None], [None, 1, 10, 27])
Ivo Maffei (2020-07-28): initial version
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.AlternatingFormsGraph(n, q)¶
Return the alternating forms graph with the given parameters.
This builds a graph whose vertices are all \(n\) skew-symmetric matrices over \(GF(q)\) with zero diagonal. Two vertices are adjacent if and only if the difference of the two matrices has rank 2.
This grap is distance-regular with classical parameters \((\lfloor \frac n 2 \rfloor, q^2, q^2 - 1, q^{2 \lceil \frac n 2 \rceil -1})\).
– integerq
– a prime power
sage: G = graphs.AlternatingFormsGraph(5, 2) # long time sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # long time ([155, 112, None], [None, 1, 20])
See [BCN1989] pp. 282-284 for a rather detailed discussion, otherwise see [VDKT2016] p. 22.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.BilinearFormsGraph(d, e, q)¶
Return a bilinear forms graph with the given parameters.
This builds a graph whose vertices are all \(d\) matrices over \(GF(q)\). Two vertices are adjacent if the difference of the two matrices has rank 1.
The graph is distance-regular with classical parameters \((\min(d, e), q, q-1 , q^{\max(d, e)}-1)\).
d, e
– integers; dimension of the matricesq
– integer; a prime power
sage: G = graphs.BilinearFormsGraph(3, 3, 2) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([49, 36, 16, None], [None, 1, 6, 28]) sage: G = graphs.BilinearFormsGraph(3,3,3) # not tested (20 s) sage: G.order() # not tested (due to above) 19683 sage: G = graphs.BilinearFormsGraph(3, 4, 2) # long time sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # long time ([105, 84, 48, None], [None, 1, 6, 28])
See [BCN1989] pp. 280-282 for a rather detailed discussion, otherwise see [VDKT2016] p. 21.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.ConwaySmith_for_3S7()¶
Return the Conway-Smith graph related to \(3 Sym(7)\).
This is a distance-regular graph with intersection array \([10, 6, 4, 1; 1, 2, 6, 10]\).
sage: G = graphs.ConwaySmith_for_3S7() sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([10, 6, 4, 1, None], [None, 1, 2, 6, 10])
A description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 399.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.DoubleGrassmannGraph(q, e)¶
Return the bipartite double of the distance-\(e\) graph of the Grassmann graph \(J_q(n,e)\).
This graph can also be descirbed as follows: Let \(V\) be the vector space of dimension \(n\) over \(GF(q)\). The vertex set is the set of \(e+1\) or \(e\) subspaces of \(V\). Two vertices are adjacent if one subspace is contained in the other.
This graph is distance-transitive.
– a prime powere
– integer
sage: G = graphs.DoubleGrassmannGraph(2,1) sage: G.diameter() 3 sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([3, 2, 2, None], [None, 1, 1, 3])
See [BCN1989] pp. 272, 273 or [VDKT2016] p. 25.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.DoubleOddGraph(n)¶
Return the double odd graph on \(2n+1\) points.
The graph is obtained using the subsets of size \(n\) and \(n+1\) of \({1, 2, ..., 2n+1}\) as vertices. Two vertices are adjacent if one is included in the other.
The graph is distance-transitive.
– integer; must be greater than 0
sage: G = graphs.DoubleOddGraph(5) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, None], [None, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6]) sage: G = graphs.DoubleOddGraph(3) sage: G.diameter() 7 sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, None], [None, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4])
See [BCN1989] pp. 259-261 or [VDKT2016] p. 25.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.DoublyTruncatedWittGraph()¶
Return the doubly truncated Witt graph.
This builds the truncated Witt graph, then removes all vertices whose codeword start with a 1.
The graph is distance-regular with intersection array \([7,6,4,4;1,1,1,6]\).
sage: G = graphs.DoublyTruncatedWittGraph() sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([7, 6, 4, 4, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 6])
A description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 368.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.FosterGraph3S6()¶
Return the Foster graph for \(3.Sym(6)\).
This graph is distance-regular with intersection array \([6, 4, 2, 1; 1, 1, 4, 6]\).
The graph is also distance transitive.
sage: G = graphs.FosterGraph3S6() sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([6, 4, 2, 1, None], [None, 1, 1, 4, 6])
A description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 397.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.GeneralisedDodecagonGraph(s, t)¶
Return the point-graph of a generalised dodecagon of order \((s,t)\).
s, t
– integers; order of the generalised dodecagon
sage: G = graphs.GeneralisedDodecagonGraph(1, 5) # optional - gap_packages internet sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # optional - gap_packages internet ([6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6]) sage: H = graphs.GeneralisedDodecagonGraph(5, 1) # optional - gap_packages internet sage: H.order() # optional - gap_packages internet 23436 sage: H.is_distance_regular(True) # not tested (6 min); optional - gap_packages internet ([10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2])
This function indirectly uses the GAP’s AtlasRep package. Thus you may need an internet connection and the optional Sage’s package
See [BCN1989] pp. 200-205 for a discussion of distance-regular graphs from generalised polygons.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.GeneralisedHexagonGraph(s, t)¶
Return the point-graph of a generalised hexagon of order \((s,t)\).
s, t
– integers; order of the generalised hexagon
sage: G = graphs.GeneralisedHexagonGraph(5, 5) # optional - gap_packages internet sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # optional - gap_packages internet ([30, 25, 25, None], [None, 1, 1, 6]) sage: G = graphs.GeneralisedHexagonGraph(7, 1) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([14, 7, 7, None], [None, 1, 1, 2]) sage: graphs.GeneralisedHexagonGraph(1, 1) Cycle graph: Graph on 6 vertices
This function uses the GAP’s AtlasRep package to build GHs of order \((q, q)\), \((q, q^3)\) or \((q^3, q)\). For those graphs you need an internet connection and Sage’s optional package
See [BCN1989] pp. 200-205 for a discussion of distance-regular graphs from generalised polygons.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.GeneralisedOctagonGraph(s, t)¶
Return the point-graph of a generalised octagon of order \((s,t)\).
s, t
– integers; order of the generalised octagon
sage: G = graphs.GeneralisedOctagonGraph(1, 4) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([5, 4, 4, 4, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 5]) sage: G = graphs.GeneralisedOctagonGraph(2, 4) # optional - gap_packages internet sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # optional - gap_packages internet ([10, 8, 8, 8, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 5]) sage: G = graphs.GeneralisedOctagonGraph(5, 1) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([10, 5, 5, 5, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 2])
This function uses the GAP’s AtlasRep package to build the graphs of order \((2, 4)\) or \((4, 2)\). For those graphs you need an internet connection and Sage’s optional package
See [BCN1989] pp. 200-205 for a discussion of distance-regular graphs from generalised polygons.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.GrassmannGraph(q, n, input_e)¶
Return the Grassmann graph with parameters \((q, n, e)\).
This builds the Grassmann graph \(J_q(n,e)\). That is, for a vector space \(V = \mathbb F(q)^n\) the output is the graph on the subspaces of dimension \(e\) where two subspaces are adjacent if their intersection has dimension \(e-1\).
This graph is distance-regular with classical parameters \((\min(e, n-e), q, q, \genfrac {[}{]} {0pt} {} {n-e+1} 1 _q -1)\)
– a prime powern, e
– integers withn > e+1
sage: G = graphs.GrassmannGraph(2, 4, 2) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([18, 8, None], [None, 1, 9])
See [BCN1989] pp. 268-272 or [VDKT2016] p. 21.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.HalfCube(n)¶
Return the halved cube in \(n\) dimensions.
The graph is distance-regular with classical parameters \((\lfloor \frac n 2 \rfloor, 1, 2, 2 \lceil \frac n 2 \rceil -1)\).
– integer; must be greater than 2
sage: G = graphs.HalfCube(8) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([28, 15, 6, 1, None], [None, 1, 6, 15, 28]) sage: G = graphs.HalfCube(4) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([6, 1, None], [None, 1, 6])
See [BCN1989] pp. 264, 265 or [VDKT2016] p. 21. This construction can be found on
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.HermitianFormsGraph(n, r)¶
Return the Hermitian forms graph with the given parameters.
We build a graph whose vertices are all
Hermitian matrices overGF(r^2)
. Two vertices are adjacent if the difference of the two vertices has rank 1.This graph is distance-regular with classical parameters \((n, - r, - r - 1, - (- r)^d - 1)\).
– integerr
– a prime power
sage: G = graphs.HermitianFormsGraph(2, 2) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([5, 4, None], [None, 1, 2]) sage: G = graphs.HermitianFormsGraph(3, 3) # not tested (2 min) sage: G.order() # not tested (bacuase of the above) 19683
See [BCN1989] p. 285 or [VDKT2016] p. 22.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.IvanovIvanovFaradjevGraph()¶
Return the IvanovIvanovFaradjev graph.
The graph is distance-transitive with automorphism group \(3.M_{22}\).
sage: G = graphs.IvanovIvanovFaradjevGraph() # optional - internet gap_packages sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # optional - internet gap_packages ([7, 6, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 7])
A description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 369.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.J2Graph()¶
Return the distance-transitive graph with automorphism group \(J_2\).
sage: G = graphs.J2Graph() # optional - internet gap_packages sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # optional - internet gap_packages ([10, 8, 8, 2, None], [None, 1, 1, 4, 5])
A description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 408.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.LargeWittGraph()¶
Return the large Witt graph.
This is a distance-regular graph with intersection array \([30,28,24;1,3,15]\).
sage: g = graphs.LargeWittGraph() sage: g.is_distance_regular(True) ([30, 28, 24, None], [None, 1, 3, 15])
A description of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 366. This construction is taken from
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.LeonardGraph()¶
Return the Leonard graph.
The graph is distance-regular with intersection array \([12, 11, 10, 7; 1, 2, 5, 12]\).
sage: G = graphs.LeonardGraph() sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([12, 11, 10, 7, None], [None, 1, 2, 5, 12])
For a description of this graph see [BCN1989] p. 371.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.TruncatedWittGraph()¶
Return the truncated Witt graph.
This builds the large Witt graph, then removes all vertices whose codeword start with a 1.
The graph is distance-regular with intersection array \([15,14,12;1,1,9]\).
sage: G = graphs.TruncatedWittGraph() # long time sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # long time (due to above) ([15, 14, 12, None], [None, 1, 1, 9])
A description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 367.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.UstimenkoGraph(m, q)¶
Return the Ustimenko graph with parameters \((m, q)\).
This is the distance 1 or 2 graph of the dual polar graph \(C_{m-1}(q)\). The graph is distance-regular with classical with parameters \((d,q^2, qbinom(3,1,q) -1, qbinom(m+1,1,q) -1)\)
m, q
– integers;q
must be a prime power andm > 1
sage: G = graphs.UstimenkoGraph(4, 2) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([70, 32, None], [None, 1, 35])
See [BCN1989] p. 279 or [VDKT2016] p. 22.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.cocliques_HoffmannSingleton()¶
Return the graph obtained from the cocliques of the Hoffmann-Singleton graph.
This is a distance-regular graph with intersection array \([15, 14, 10, 3; 1, 5, 12, 15]\).
sage: G = graphs.cocliques_HoffmannSingleton() sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([15, 14, 10, 3, None], [None, 1, 5, 12, 15])
The construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 392.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.distance_3_doubly_truncated_Golay_code_graph()¶
Return a distance-regular graph with intersection array \([9, 8, 6, 3; 1, 1, 3, 8]\).
sage: G = graphs.distance_3_doubly_truncated_Golay_code_graph() # long time sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # long time (due to above) ([9, 8, 6, 3, None], [None, 1, 1, 3, 8])
Compute the binary Golay code and truncate it twice. Compute its coset graph. Take a vertex and compute the set of vertices at distance 3 from the vertex chosen. This set constitutes the set of vertices of our distance-regular graph. Moreover we have an edge \((u,v)\) if the coset graph contains such edge.
Description and construction of this graph are taken from [BCN1989] p. 364.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.distance_regular_graph(arr, existence=False, check=True)¶
Return a distance-regular graph with the intersection array given.
– list; intersection array of the graphexistence
– boolean (optional); instead of building the graph return:True
- if a graph with the given intersection array exists;False
- if there is no graph with the given intersection array;Unknown
- if Sage doesn’t know if such a graph exists.
– boolean (optional); ifTrue
, then checks that the result of this function has the given intersection array. Default:True
sage: graphs.distance_regular_graph([21,20,16,1,2,12], existence=True) True sage: G = graphs.distance_regular_graph([12,11,10,7,1,2,5,12], check=False) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([12, 11, 10, 7, None], [None, 1, 2, 5, 12])
See [BCN1989] and [VDKT2016].
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.graph_3O73()¶
Return the graph related to the group \(3 O(7,3)\).
This graph is distance-regular with intersection array \([117, 80, 24, 1; 1, 12, 80, 117]\).
The graph is also distance transitive with \(3.O(7,3)\) as automorphism group
sage: G = graphs.graph_3O73() # optional - internet gap_packages sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # optional - internet gap_packages ([117, 80, 24, 1, None], [None, 1, 12, 80, 117])
A description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 400.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.graph_from_GQ_spread(s, t)¶
Return the point graph of the generalised quandrangle with order \((s, t)\) after removing one of its spreads.
These graphs are antipodal covers of complete graphs and, in particular, distance-regular graphs of diameter 3.
s, t
– integers; order of the generalised quadrangle
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import \ ....: graph_from_GQ_spread sage: G = graph_from_GQ_spread(4, 16) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([64, 60, 1, None], [None, 1, 15, 64])
The graphs constructed here follow [BCN1989] pp. 385, 386.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.graph_with_classical_parameters(d, b, alpha_in, beta_in, gamma)¶
Return the graph with the classical parameters given.
The last parameter
is meant to be an element of the enumClassicalParametersGraph
used to identify the family of graphs to construct. In particular this function doesn’t build any sporadic graph. To build such a graph usesage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.distance_regular_graph()
d, b, alpha_in, beta_in
– numbers; the parameters of the graph;d
must be integersgamma
– element of the enumClassicalParametersGraph
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import * sage: graph_with_classical_parameters(3, 1, 1, 3, 1) Johnson graph with parameters 6,3: Graph on 20 vertices
The last parameter is very important as it takes precedence. This function will not check that the other four parameters match the correct family. Use
to check the parameters:sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import * sage: graph_with_classical_parameters(3, 1, 1, 3, 2) Hamming Graph with parameters 3,4: Graph on 64 vertices sage: G = _; G.is_distance_regular(True) ([9, 6, 3, None], [None, 1, 2, 3]) sage: is_classical_parameters_graph([9, 6, 3, 1, 2, 3]) (3, 1, 0, 3, 2)
Two families of graphs are not implemented yet:
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import * sage: graph_with_classical_parameters(3, 16, 15, 511, 17) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Graph would be too big sage: graph_with_classical_parameters(3, 16, 30, 1022, 16) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Graph would be too big
See [BCN1989] chapter 9 for a discussion of distance-regular graphs with classical parameters. See also [VDKT2016] section 3.1.1.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.is_classical_parameters_graph(array)¶
Return a tuple of parameters representing the array given. If such no tuple can be produced, it returns
.Given an intersection array, if it represents a family of distance-regular graphs with classical parameters, then this function returns a tuple consisting of the parameters \((d, b, \alpha, \beta)\) and a fourth parameter which is the enum
indicating the family with the given itersection array. If the array doesn’t belong to any classical parameter graph, then this function returnsFalse
. If the array belongs to a sporadic graph rather than a family of graphs, then the function returnsFalse
. This is to reduce the overlap withsage.graphs.generators.distance_regular._sporadic_graph_database
The array given as an input is expected to be an intersection array. If this is not the case, then some exception may be raised.
– list; an intersection array
or a tuple(d, b, alpha, beta, gamma)
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import \ ....: is_classical_parameters_graph sage: G = graphs.HammingGraph(5, 4) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([15, 12, 9, 6, 3, None], [None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) sage: is_classical_parameters_graph([15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) (5, 1, 0, 3, 2)
See [BCN1989] chapter 9 for a discussion of distance-regular graphs with classical parameters. See [BCN1989] chapter 6.2 for a method to compute the classical parameters of a graph. See also [VDKT2016] section 3.1.1.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.is_from_GQ_spread(arr)¶
Return a pair \((s, t)\) if the graph obtained from a GQ of order \((s, t)\) with a spread has the intersection array passed. We also require that such GQ can be built by Sage. If no such pair exists, then return
– list; an intersection array
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import \ ....: is_from_GQ_spread, graph_from_GQ_spread sage: is_from_GQ_spread([125, 120, 1, 1, 24, 125]) (5, 25) sage: G = graph_from_GQ_spread(5, 25) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([125, 120, 1, None], [None, 1, 24, 125])
The graphs we are looking for are antipodal covers of complete graphs. See [BCN1989] pp. 385, 386 for a discussion on these particular case.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.is_near_polygon(array)¶
Return a tuple of parameters which identify the near polygon graph with the given intersection array. If such tuple doesn’t exist, return
.Note that
may be the intersection array of a near polygon, but if such graph has diameter less than 3, then this function will returnFalse
– list; intersection array
The tuple has the form
(id, params)
is a value of the enum \(NearPolygonGraph\) which identify a family of graphs andparams
are all parameters needed to construct the final graph.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import ( ....: is_near_polygon, near_polygon_graph) sage: is_near_polygon([7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]) (2, 7) sage: near_polygon_graph(2, 7) Odd Graph with parameter 7: Graph on 1716 vertices sage: _.is_distance_regular(True) ([7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, None], [None, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
See [BCN1989] pp. 198-206 for some theory about near polygons as well as a list of known examples.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.is_pseudo_partition_graph(arr)¶
Return \((m, a)\) if the intersection array given satisfies: \(b_i = (m - i)(1 + a(m - 1 - i))\) for \(0 \leq i < d\) \(c_i = i(1 + a(i - 1))\) for \(0 \leq i < d\) \(c_d = (2d + 2 - m) d (1 + a(d - 1))\) where \(d\) is the diameter of the graph.
If such pair \((m, a)\) doesn’t exist or the diameter is less than 3, then this function returns
.These graphs are called pseudo partition graphs in [BCN1989] chapter 6.3.
– list; intersection array
A pair \((m, a)\) of integers or
if such pair doesn’t exist.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import * sage: is_pseudo_partition_graph([36, 25, 16, 1, 4, 18]) (6, 1) sage: pseudo_partition_graph(6, 1) # long time Folded Johnson graph with parameters 12,6: Graph on 462 vertices sage: _.is_distance_regular(True) # long time ([36, 25, 16, None], [None, 1, 4, 18])
See [BCN1989] pp. 197, 198 or [VDKT2016] pp. 38, 39.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.locally_GQ42_distance_transitive_graph()¶
Return the unique amply regular graph with \(\mu = 6\) which is locally a generalised quadrangle.
This graph is distance-regular with intersection array \([45, 32, 12, 1; 1, 6, 32, 45]\).
This graph is also distance-transitive.
sage: G = graphs.locally_GQ42_distance_transitive_graph() # optional - internet gap_packages sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # optional - internet gap_packages ([45, 32, 12, 1, None], [None, 1, 6, 32, 45])
A description of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p.399. This construction is due to Dima Pasechnik.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.near_polygon_graph(family, params)¶
Return the near polygon graph with the given parameters.
The input is expected to be the result of the function
– int; an element of the enumNearPolygonGraph
– int or tuple; the paramters needed to construct a graph of the familyfamily
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import ( ....: is_near_polygon, near_polygon_graph) sage: near_polygon_graph(*is_near_polygon([6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, \ ....: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6])) Bipartite double of Odd graph on a set of 11 elements: Graph on 924 vertices sage: G=_; G.is_distance_regular(True) ([6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, None], [None, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6])
See [BCN1989] pp. 198-206 for some theory about near polygons as well as a list of known examples.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.pseudo_partition_graph(m, a)¶
Return a pseudo partition graph with the given parameters.
A graph is a pseudo partition graph if it is distance-regular with diameter at least 3 and whose intersection numbers satisfy: \(b_i = (m - i)(1 + a(m - 1 - i))\) for \(0 \leq i < d\) \(c_i = i(1 + a(i - 1))\) for \(0 \leq i < d\) \(c_d = (2d + 2 - m) d (1 + a(d - 1))\) where \(d\) is the diameter of the graph.
m, a
– integers; parameters of the graph
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import * sage: pseudo_partition_graph(6, 1) Folded Johnson graph with parameters 12,6: Graph on 462 vertices
Not all graphs built with this function are pseudo partition graphs as intended by
, since that function requires the diameter to be at least 3:sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import * sage: pseudo_partition_graph(3, 1) Folded Johnson graph with parameters 6,3: Graph on 10 vertices sage: G=_; G.is_distance_regular(True) ([9, None], [None, 1]) sage: is_pseudo_partition_graph([9, 1]) False
See [BCN1989] pp. 197, 198 or [VDKT2016] pp. 38, 39 for a discussion of known pseudo partition graphs.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.shortened_000_111_extended_binary_Golay_code_graph()¶
Return a distance-regular graph with intersection array \([21, 20, 16, 9, 2, 1; 1, 2, 3, 16, 20, 21]\).
sage: G = graphs.shortened_000_111_extended_binary_Golay_code_graph() # long time (25 s) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # long time ([21, 20, 16, 9, 2, 1, None], [None, 1, 2, 3, 16, 20, 21])
Compute the extended binary Golay code. Compute its subcode whose codewords start with 000 or 111. Remove the first 3 entries from all the codewords from the new linear code and compute its coset graph.
Description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 365.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.shortened_00_11_binary_Golay_code_graph()¶
Return a distance-regular graph with intersection array \([21, 20, 16, 6, 2, 1; 1, 2, 6, 16, 20, 21]\).
sage: G = graphs.shortened_00_11_binary_Golay_code_graph() # long time (9 s) sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # long time ([21, 20, 16, 6, 2, 1, None], [None, 1, 2, 6, 16, 20, 21])
Compute the binary Golay code. Compute the subcode whose codewords start with 00 or 11. Remove the first two entries from all codewords of the newly found linear code and compute its coset graph.
Description and construction of this graph can be found in [BCN1989] p. 365.
- sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.vanLintSchrijverGraph()¶
Return the van Lint-Schrijver graph.
The graph is distance-regular with intersection array \([6, 5, 5, 4; 1, 1, 2, 6]\).
sage: G = graphs.vanLintSchrijverGraph() sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ([6, 5, 5, 4, None], [None, 1, 1, 2, 6])
For a description of this graph see [BCN1989] p. 373.