Testing for databases at runtime

class sage.features.databases.DatabaseConwayPolynomials

Bases: sage.features.StaticFile

A Feature which describes the presence of Frank Luebeck’s database of Conway polynomials.


sage: from sage.features.databases import DatabaseConwayPolynomials
sage: DatabaseConwayPolynomials().is_present()
FeatureTestResult("Frank Luebeck's database of Conway polynomials", True)
class sage.features.databases.DatabaseCremona(name='cremona', spkg='database_cremona_ellcurve')

Bases: sage.features.StaticFile

A Feature which describes the presence of John Cremona’s database of elliptic curves.


  • name – either 'cremona' (the default) for the full large database or 'cremona_mini' for the small database.


sage: from sage.features.databases import DatabaseCremona
sage: DatabaseCremona('cremona_mini').is_present()
FeatureTestResult("Cremona's database of elliptic curves", True)
sage: DatabaseCremona().is_present()  # optional: database_cremona_ellcurve
FeatureTestResult("Cremona's database of elliptic curves", True)
class sage.features.databases.DatabaseJones

Bases: sage.features.StaticFile

A Feature which describes the presence of John Jones’s tables of number fields.


sage: from sage.features.databases import DatabaseJones
sage: bool(DatabaseJones().is_present())  # optional: database_jones_numfield
class sage.features.databases.DatabaseKnotInfo

Bases: sage.features.PythonModule

A Feature which describes the presence of the databases at the web-pages KnotInfo and LinkInfo.


sage: from sage.features.databases import DatabaseKnotInfo
sage: DatabaseKnotInfo().is_present()  # optional: database_knotinfo
FeatureTestResult('sage.knots.knotinfo', True)