Base Class for Character-Based Art

This is the common base class for sage.typeset.ascii_art.AsciiArt and sage.typeset.unicode_art.UnicodeArt. They implement simple graphics by placing characters on a rectangular grid, in other words, using monospace fonts. The difference is that one is restricted to 7-bit ascii, the other uses all unicode code points.

class sage.typeset.character_art.CharacterArt(lines=[], breakpoints=[], baseline=None)

Bases: sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject

Abstract base class for character art


  • lines – the list of lines of the representation of the character art object

  • breakpoints – the list of points where the representation can be split

  • baseline – the reference line (from the bottom)

Instead of just integers, breakpoints may also contain tuples consisting of an offset and the breakpoints of a nested substring at that offset. This is used to prioritize the breakpoints, as line breaks inside the substring will be avoided if possible.


sage: i = var('i')
sage: ascii_art(sum(pi^i/factorial(i)*x^i, i, 0, oo))
classmethod empty()

Return the empty character art object


sage: from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt
sage: AsciiArt.empty()

Return the line where the baseline is, for example:

    5      4
14*x  + 5*x

the baseline has at line 0 and

{ o       }
{  \  : 4 }
{   o     }

has at line 1.


Return an iterator of breakpoints where the object can be split.

This method is deprecated, as its output is an implementation detail. The mere breakpoints of a character art element do not reflect the best way to split it if nested structures are involved. For details, see trac ticket #29204.

For example the expression:

   5    4
14x + 5x

can be split on position 4 (on the +).


sage: from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt
sage: p3 = AsciiArt([" * ", "***"])
sage: p5 = AsciiArt(["  *  ", " * * ", "*****"])
sage: aa = ascii_art([p3, p5])
sage: aa.get_breakpoints()
doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: get_breakpoints() is deprecated
See for details.

Return the height of the ASCII art object.


Integer. The number of lines.


Split the representation at the position pos.


sage: from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt
sage: p3 = AsciiArt([" * ", "***"])
sage: p5 = AsciiArt(["  *  ", " * * ", "*****"])
sage: aa = ascii_art([p3, p5])
sage: a,b= aa.split(6)
sage: a
[  *
[ ***,
sage: b
   *   ]
  * *  ]
 ***** ]

Return the length (width) of the ASCII art object.


Integer. The number of characters in each line.