(Ring-)LWE oracle generators¶
The Learning with Errors problem (LWE) is solving linear systems of equations where the right hand side has been disturbed ‘slightly’ where ‘slightly’ is made precise by a noise distribution - typically a discrete Gaussian distribution. See [Reg09] for details.
The Ring Learning with Errors problem (LWE) is solving a set of univariate polynomial equations - typically in a cyclotomic field - where the right hand side was disturbed ‘slightly’. See [LPR2010] for details.
This module implements generators of LWE samples where parameters are chosen following proposals in the cryptographic literature.
We get 30 samples from an LWE oracle parameterised by security parameter
and where the modulus and the standard deviation of the noise are
chosen as in [Reg09]:
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import samples
sage: S = samples(30, 20, 'Regev')
sage: len(S)
sage: S[0][0].parent(), S[0][1].parent()
(Vector space of dimension 20 over Ring of integers modulo 401,
Ring of integers modulo 401)
We may also pass classes to the samples function, which is useful for users implementing their own oracles:
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import samples, LindnerPeikert
sage: S = samples(30, 20, LindnerPeikert)
sage: len(S)
sage: S[0][0].parent(), S[0][1].parent()
(Vector space of dimension 20 over Ring of integers modulo 2053,
Ring of integers modulo 2053)
Finally, samples()
also accepts instances of classes:
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LindnerPeikert
sage: lwe = LindnerPeikert(20)
sage: S = samples(30, 20, lwe)
sage: len(S)
sage: S[0][0].parent(), S[0][1].parent()
(Vector space of dimension 20 over Ring of integers modulo 2053,
Ring of integers modulo 2053)
Note that Ring-LWE samples are returned as vectors:
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import RingLWE
sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_polynomial import DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler
sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], euler_phi(16), 5)
sage: ringlwe = RingLWE(16, 257, D, secret_dist='uniform')
sage: p = samples(30, euler_phi(16), ringlwe)[0][0].parent(); p
Vector space of dimension 8 over Ring of integers modulo 257
sage: assert all(c.parent() is p for b in samples(30, euler_phi(16), ringlwe) for c in b)
One technical issue when working with these generators is that by default they return vectors and scalars over/in rings modulo some q. These are represented as elements in (0,q−1) by Sage. However, it usually is more natural to think of these entries as integers in (−q//2,q//2). To allow for this, this module provides the option to balance the representation. In this case vectors and scalars over/in the integers are returned:
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import samples
sage: for s in samples(30, 20, 'Regev', balanced=True):
....: s1 = list(s[0]) + [s[1]]
....: assert all(-401//2 <= b <= 401//2 for b in s1)
Martin Albrecht
Robert Fitzpatrick
Daniel Cabracas
Florian Göpfert
Michael Schneider
- class sage.crypto.lwe.LWE(n, q, D, secret_dist='uniform', m=None)¶
Learning with Errors (LWE) oracle.
- __init__(n, q, D, secret_dist='uniform', m=None)¶
Construct an LWE oracle in dimension
over a ring of orderq
with noise distributionD
- dimension (integer > 0)q
- modulus typically > n (integer > 0)D
- an error distribution such as an instance ofDiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler
- distribution of the secret (default: ‘uniform’); one of“uniform” - secret follows the uniform distribution in Z/qZ
“noise” - secret follows the noise distribution
- the secret is chosen uniformly from[lb,...,ub]
including both endpoints
- number of allowed samples orNone
if no such limit exists (default:None
First, we construct a noise distribution with standard deviation 3.0:
sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_integer import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3.0)
Next, we construct our oracle:
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D); lwe LWE(20, 401, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 3.000000 and c = 0, 'uniform', None)
and sample 1000 samples:
sage: L = [] sage: def add_samples(): ....: global L ....: L += [lwe() for _ in range(1000)] sage: add_samples()
To test the oracle, we use the internal secret to evaluate the samples in the secret:
sage: S = lambda : [ZZ(a.dot_product(lwe._LWE__s) - c) for (a,c) in L]
However, while Sage represents finite field elements between 0 and q-1 we rely on a balanced representation of those elements here. Hence, we fix the representation and recover the correct standard deviation of the noise:
sage: while abs(sqrt(variance([e if e <= 200 else e-401 for e in S()]).n()) - 3.0) > 0.01: ....: add_samples()
is notNone
the number of available samples is restricted:sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LWE sage: lwe = LWE(n=20, q=next_prime(400), D=D, m=30) sage: _ = [lwe() for _ in range(30)] sage: lwe() # 31 Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Number of available samples exhausted.
- __call__()¶
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler, LWE sage: LWE(10, 401, DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3))()[0].parent() Vector space of dimension 10 over Ring of integers modulo 401 sage: LWE(10, 401, DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(3))()[1].parent() Ring of integers modulo 401
- class sage.crypto.lwe.LindnerPeikert(n, delta=0.01, m=None)¶
LWE oracle with parameters as in [LP2011].
- __init__(n, delta=0.01, m=None)¶
Construct LWE instance parameterised by security parameter
where the modulusq
and thestddev
of the noise is chosen as in [LP2011].INPUT:
- security parameter (integer > 0)delta
- error probability per symbol (default: 0.01)m
- number of allowed samples orNone
in which casem=2*n + 128
as in [LP2011] (default:None
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import LindnerPeikert sage: LindnerPeikert(n=20) LWE(20, 2053, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 3.600954 and c = 0, 'noise', 168)
- class sage.crypto.lwe.Regev(n, secret_dist='uniform', m=None)¶
LWE oracle with parameters as in [Reg09].
- __init__(n, secret_dist='uniform', m=None)¶
Construct LWE instance parameterised by security parameter
where the modulusq
and thestddev
of the noise are chosen as in [Reg09].INPUT:
- security parameter (integer > 0)secret_dist
- distribution of the secret. See documentation ofLWE
for details (default=’uniform’)m
- number of allowed samples orNone
if no such limit exists (default:None
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import Regev sage: Regev(n=20) LWE(20, 401, Discrete Gaussian sampler over the Integers with sigma = 1.915069 and c = 401, 'uniform', None)
- class sage.crypto.lwe.RingLWE(N, q, D, poly=None, secret_dist='uniform', m=None)¶
Ring Learning with Errors oracle.
- __init__(N, q, D, poly=None, secret_dist='uniform', m=None)¶
Construct a Ring-LWE oracle in dimension
over a ring of orderq
with noise distributionD
- index of cyclotomic polynomial (integer > 0, must be power of 2)q
- modulus typically > N (integer > 0)D
- an error distribution such as an instance ofDiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler
- a polynomial of degreephi(N)
. IfNone
the cyclotomic polynomial used (default:None
- distribution of the secret. See documentation ofLWE
for details (default=’uniform’)m
- number of allowed samples orNone
if no such limit exists (default:None
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import RingLWE sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_polynomial import DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], n=euler_phi(20), sigma=3.0) sage: RingLWE(N=20, q=next_prime(800), D=D) RingLWE(20, 809, Discrete Gaussian sampler for polynomials of degree < 8 with σ=3.000000 in each component, x^8 - x^6 + x^4 - x^2 + 1, 'uniform', None)
- __call__()¶
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler, RingLWE sage: N = 16 sage: n = euler_phi(N) sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], n, 5) sage: ringlwe = RingLWE(N, 257, D, secret_dist='uniform') sage: ringlwe()[0].parent() Vector space of dimension 8 over Ring of integers modulo 257 sage: ringlwe()[1].parent() Vector space of dimension 8 over Ring of integers modulo 257
- class sage.crypto.lwe.RingLWEConverter(ringlwe)¶
Wrapper callable to convert Ring-LWE oracles into LWE oracles by disregarding the additional structure.
- __init__(ringlwe)¶
- an instance of aRingLWE
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler, RingLWE, RingLWEConverter sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], euler_phi(16), 5) sage: lwe = RingLWEConverter(RingLWE(16, 257, D, secret_dist='uniform')) sage: set_random_seed(1337) sage: lwe() ((32, 216, 3, 125, 58, 197, 171, 43), ...)
- __call__()¶
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler, RingLWE, RingLWEConverter sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], euler_phi(16), 5) sage: lwe = RingLWEConverter(RingLWE(16, 257, D, secret_dist='uniform')) sage: set_random_seed(1337) sage: lwe() ((32, 216, 3, 125, 58, 197, 171, 43), ...)
- class sage.crypto.lwe.RingLindnerPeikert(N, delta=0.01, m=None)¶
Ring-LWE oracle with parameters as in [LP2011].
- __init__(N, delta=0.01, m=None)¶
Construct a Ring-LWE oracle in dimension
where the modulusq
and thestddev
of the noise is chosen as in [LP2011].INPUT:
- index of cyclotomic polynomial (integer > 0, must be power of 2)delta
- error probability per symbol (default: 0.01)m
- number of allowed samples orNone
in which case3*n
is used (default:None
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import RingLindnerPeikert sage: RingLindnerPeikert(N=16) RingLWE(16, 1031, Discrete Gaussian sampler for polynomials of degree < 8 with σ=2.803372 in each component, x^8 + 1, 'noise', 24)
- class sage.crypto.lwe.UniformNoiseLWE(n, instance='key', m=None)¶
LWE oracle with uniform secret with parameters as in [CGW2013].
- __init__(n, instance='key', m=None)¶
Construct LWE instance parameterised by security parameter
where all other parameters are chosen as in [CGW2013].INPUT:
- security parameter (integer >= 89)instance
- one of“key” - the LWE-instance that hides the secret key is generated
“encrypt” - the LWE-instance that hides the message is generated (default:
- number of allowed samples orNone
in which casem
is chosen as in [CGW2013]. (default:None
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import UniformNoiseLWE sage: UniformNoiseLWE(89) LWE(89, 64311834871, UniformSampler(0, 6577), 'noise', 131) sage: UniformNoiseLWE(89, instance='encrypt') LWE(131, 64311834871, UniformSampler(0, 11109), 'noise', 181)
- class sage.crypto.lwe.UniformPolynomialSampler(P, n, lower_bound, upper_bound)¶
Uniform sampler for polynomials.
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import UniformPolynomialSampler sage: UniformPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], 8, -2, 2)().parent() Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
- __init__(P, n, lower_bound, upper_bound)¶
Construct a sampler for univariate polynomials of degree
where coefficients are drawn uniformly at random betweenlower_bound
(both endpoints inclusive).INPUT:
- a univariate polynomial ring over the Integersn
- number of coefficients to be sampledlower_bound
- integerupper_bound
- integer
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import UniformPolynomialSampler sage: UniformPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], 10, -10, 10) UniformPolynomialSampler(10, -10, 10)
- __call__()¶
Return a new sample.
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import UniformPolynomialSampler sage: sampler = UniformPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], 8, -12, 12) sage: sampler().parent() Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
- class sage.crypto.lwe.UniformSampler(lower_bound, upper_bound)¶
Uniform sampling in a range of integers.
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import UniformSampler sage: sampler = UniformSampler(-2, 2); sampler UniformSampler(-2, 2) sage: sampler() in range(-2, 3) True
- __init__(lower_bound, upper_bound)¶
Construct a uniform sampler with bounds
(both endpoints inclusive).INPUT:
- integerupper_bound
- integer
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import UniformSampler sage: UniformSampler(-2, 2) UniformSampler(-2, 2)
- __call__()¶
Return a new sample.
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import UniformSampler sage: sampler = UniformSampler(-12, 12) sage: sampler() in range(-12, 13) True
- sage.crypto.lwe.balance_sample(s, q=None)¶
(a,c) = s
return a tuple(a',c')
is an integer vector with entries between -q//2 and q//2 andc
is also within these bounds.If
is given(a,c) = s
may live in the integers. Ifq
is not given, then(a,c)
are assumed to live in Z/qZ.INPUT:
- sample of the form (a,c) where a is a vector and c is a scalarq
- modulus (default:None
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import balance_sample, samples, Regev sage: for s in samples(10, 5, Regev): ....: b = balance_sample(s) ....: assert all(-29//2 <= c <= 29//2 for c in b[0]) ....: assert -29//2 <= b[1] <= 29//2 ....: assert all(s[0][j] == b[0][j] % 29 for j in range(5)) ....: assert s[1] == b[1] % 29 sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import balance_sample, DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler, RingLWE, samples sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], 8, 5) sage: rlwe = RingLWE(20, 257, D) sage: for s in samples(10, 8, rlwe): ....: b = balance_sample(s) ....: assert all(-257//2 <= c <= 257//2 for bi in b for c in bi) ....: assert all(s[i][j] == b[i][j] % 257 for i in range(2) for j in range(8))
This function is useful to convert between Sage’s standard representation of elements in Z/qZ as integers between 0 and q-1 and the usual representation of such elements in lattice cryptography as integers between -q//2 and q//2.
- sage.crypto.lwe.samples(m, n, lwe, seed=None, balanced=False, **kwds)¶
LWE samples.INPUT:
- the number of samples (integer > 0)n
- the security parameter (integer > 0)lwe
- eithera subclass of
such asRegev
an instance of
or any subclassthe name of any such class (e.g., “Regev”, “LindnerPeikert”)
- seed to be used for generation orNone
if no specific seed shall be set (default:None
- use functionbalance_sample()
to return balanced representations of finite field elements (default:False
- passed through to LWE constructor
sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import samples, Regev sage: samples(2, 20, Regev, seed=1337) [((199, 388, 337, 53, 200, 284, 336, 215, 75, 14, 274, 234, 97, 255, 246, 153, 268, 218, 396, 351), 15), ((365, 227, 333, 165, 76, 328, 288, 206, 286, 42, 175, 155, 190, 275, 114, 280, 45, 218, 304, 386), 143)] sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import samples, Regev sage: samples(2, 20, Regev, balanced=True, seed=1337) [((199, -13, -64, 53, 200, -117, -65, -186, 75, 14, -127, -167, 97, -146, -155, 153, -133, -183, -5, -50), 15), ((-36, -174, -68, 165, 76, -73, -113, -195, -115, 42, 175, 155, 190, -126, 114, -121, 45, -183, -97, -15), 143)] sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import samples sage: samples(2, 20, 'LindnerPeikert') [((506, 1205, 398, 0, 337, 106, 836, 75, 1242, 642, 840, 262, 1823, 1798, 1831, 1658, 1084, 915, 1994, 163), 1447), ((463, 250, 1226, 1906, 330, 933, 1014, 1061, 1322, 2035, 1849, 285, 1993, 1975, 864, 1341, 41, 1955, 1818, 1357), 312)]